Cyrus Titus Aomu

May 1, 2016

The importance of carrying out a detailed geotechnical study

Geotechnical studies assist engineers understand the characteristics of the foundation(s) on which infrastructure is to be built. They form the basis upon which decisions are made […]
April 11, 2016

Design portfolio: a journey observed – part 2

In part 1 of this article we were introduced to design portfolio. We  read about the experience of Miss Kagoya Clara as she developed her design […]
March 18, 2016

Design portfolio: a journey observed – part 1

While I pursued my civil engineering degree at University, I often interacted with a number of architectural students whom when asked how they found their course […]
February 20, 2016

The project implementation challenges associated with compensation

About two months ago, I had a breakfast meeting with a friend of mine, Picasso. As we enjoyed our breakfast, I could not help but notice […]
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