Cyrus Titus Aomu

February 21, 2017

Your choice of a consultant or contractor can make or break your project – Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we profiled Daniel’s experience selecting a consultant and contractor to supervise and construct a new intake for a water utility. […]
January 22, 2017

Your choice of a consultant or contractor can make or break your project – Part 1

In 2000, a water utility which was abstracting raw water from a river experienced an act of God. The intake structure delivering it to an adjacent […]
October 29, 2016

My experience at a site meeting

I have participated in a number of meetings on various projects; early on in my career as an operator of a water supply and distribution system […]
September 25, 2016

My career running factories – Part 2

In part 1 of this article George shared  his experience in a sugar processing and cement factory. This is part 2.   My experience as a […]
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